Beberapa account twitter yang memiliki kemagisan tersendiri. Silahkan follow dan jangan sampai rugi tidak mengikuti tweet-tweet mereka.
Account Sekolah Sihir
HogwartsVillage HarryPotter IndoFans
slytherinss Hogwarts School
Account Layanan SihirHogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts ! Teach us something, PLEASE !
BeauxbatonsIndo Beauxbatons IndoBeauxbatons sekolah sihir untuk para Penyihir. Follow us dan kamu akan merasakan bagaimana rasanya menjadi murid Beauxbatons:)
Durmstrangindo Durmstrang Schoolikuti shorting house yg dibuka setiap tanggal 17 ! jadilah Murid terbaik setiap bulan untuk dapatkan pulsa 5rb.
sshogwarts se. sihir HogwartsWe are Hogwarts Wizarding School..If you Follow Us,you will get the sortinghat and you can join a house.. I♥HOGWARTS. Gryffindor,Ravenclaw,Slytherin,Hufflepuff!
HogwartsLand HogwartsHogwarts – Join asrama, soal seleksi di Fav. Hasilnya di mention. kumpulkan poin karna Piala Asrama setiap minggu.
AsramaHogwarts Asrama HogwartsWelcome, Muggles! Wanna be a Wizard/Witch? Just click follow and join with Us. Selection open at 28/month. Check our NEWS&RULES in fav. Lets the magic begins^^
HarryPotterIndo Indonesian HogwartsYg ingin melht jdwl pljrn&dftr murid ada di fav. Yg ingin memskn student card/mengganti nm/user, lapor ke DM yah. Follow @2ndhpi jg ya.^^
HogwartsJHS HogwartsJHSWelcome to HogwartsJHS, if you want to know every information in here please see the Raffle Finth in favorite ☺ from Prof. J as a headmaster in Hogwarts
SkolahSihirIndo HogwartsWizardschoolWELCOME TO HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WIZARDING!! Follow us! we are HPF acc ! #SSIquiz #SSIfacts #SSItask#SSIteori . and ALL ABOUT HARRY POTTER !!
HogwartsMansion Hogwarts MansionHarry Potter? Quiz? News? Information? Photos? Funny Photos? Entertainment? Only on @HogwartsMansion Seleksi asrama: -Prof D,F,R,B,G,O
BeauxbatonsINA Beauxbatons AcademyIt’s Beauxbatons Academy Indonesia. Join us!
Hogwarts_Sky Harry Potter FansWelcome to Hogwarts! We provide quizzes,games, information abt HP. Hv poems/fanfics abt HP? Submit it to us to be posted in our blog!
IndoHogwartss IndoHogwartsYang mau merasakan Hogwarts School, follow ya
TheHogwartsIndo HPF AccIkuti pendaftaran yg dibuka tiap tanggal pertama awal bulan dan akan megadakan house cup tiap akhir bulannya,see where you belong to,Gryff,Huff,Rave,or Sly!
HogwartsSchIndo Hogwarts Schoolhello wizard and witches , join here ! we have many funny activity . -DRACO DORMIENS NUNQUAM TITILLANDUS – Miss A.F.A.L (Headmaster) ☺ ♥
Hogwarts_Indo Hogwarts IndonesiaThe place where the magic begins. Forever Potterheads. Long Live Potter! Miss.Aria,Miss. Jean & Miss. Eleanor
HogwartschoolID Hogwarts Indo SchoolWelcome to Hogwarts Indo School ! Magic! Dapatkan -HOUSE- kalian disini gratis ! Setiap tanggal 10 ya We have a fun games and Exam! ♥HogwartschoolID♥
HogwartsIndoS Hogwarts Indo SchoolWe are Hogwarts Wizarding School. You can join with us! #HISKuis #HISjudulagu #HISacakata #HIStebaklirik, dll bisa kamu dapatkan disini ! WE ♥ HOGWARTS
HogwartsMagicSc school of magicheadmaster prof D headhouse prof G, A, N, E guru Ramalan prof K Guru Ramuan prof S seleksi asrama
HWhogwarts2 pralihan @HWHogwarts10-04-2011 best house RAVENCLAW with 4020poin,best student @nandaiasha CHONGRATS ALL 2mnggu skali, mrid terbaik berhadiah pulsa
HarPotZone Harry Potter ZoneAll about Harry Potter. If u really like Harry Potter don’t hesitate to follow us and u’ll find more please read our fav! ADMIN : HGVCMR
HogwartsCRoom Hogwarts Common RoomTempat kumpul para wizard dihouse masing – masing ! Mari join HPF ! we have anything about HP. WELCOME TO HOGWARTS DRACO DORMIENS NUNQUAM TITILANDUS
HCWizardworld HCWizardworldHCWizardwold ★ admin : Reggulus ★ Army ★ miss Potter ★ Xenophilius ★ Flitwick ★
kelontongsihir Madam Lumos+Vampira
~Souvenir Khas Penyihir~
TheOrderPhoenix Order Of The PhoenixThe order phoenix’s base. Recruting aurors per week. And beside that giving you every infos about harry potter. 7 admins at the time and feel free to follow!
QuidditchIndo LigaQuidditchIndoLiga Quidditch Indonesia diselenggarakan atas support dari @MenterisihirID dan bertujuan untuk mempererat tali persaudaraan antar HPF Indonesia
TriwizardIndo Triwizard IndonesiaTurnamen Triwizard disponsori oleh @MenteriSihirID, merupakan turnamen persahabatan antara tiga sekolah sihir di Indonesia guna mempererat kebersamaan #HPF
DeathEaterClan Death Eater ClanThis account is Death Eater Clan, Dark Lord’s supporter(s). If you want to join, just contact @natcutez (admin). Follow us, and don’t forget to follow @natcutez
LeakyCauldronID Leaky CauldronIt’s all about Harry Potter. Follow and Join us, HarryPotterFreaks!
The3Broomstick The Three BroomstickSebuah bar milik Madam Rosmerta yang terletak di desa Hogsmeade. Kunjungi dan cicipi kelezatan butterbeer !
DailyProphetID Daily Prophet IndoIt’s Daily Prophet Indonesia. Daily Prophet entertains you with informations and interesting tweets.
PotterWatchID Potter WatchSiaran Dunia Sihir di Twitter, Info soal dunia sihir di twitter, Menerima Request dan Followback dan Follow account ke2 kami @2ndPWI
HogsmeadeLand Hogsmeade Village ♥Disini ada smua toko-toko sihir loh XD. dsini jg bsa nyewa rmh ada 4 cluster yaitu Gryffy, Huffly, Slythy, dan Ravvy. slogannya adalah Merusuh kita Menang XD
EeylopsOWL Eeylops Emporium OwlWanna join ?,follow and gets your owl to send your letter n your #Fam.Read first our Fav,before you ask us.Have best experience with the admin here : G-H-E-L
TheQuibblerID TheQuibblerIDThe Wizarding world’s alternative voice. Can you afford NOT to read it???
DiagonAlleyID Diagon AlleyWelcome to Diagon Alley!Place where you can buy all your Magical Needs in – Gringotts – Ollivanders – Leaky Cauldron Furthermore please look at our fav
KantorSihirID Kementerian Sihir ID
Account LainyaKantor Kementerian Sihir ID yang dipimpin oleh @MenteriSihirID. Berbagi berita, informasih ekonomi, sosial dan budaya dunia sihir.
HPFawards HPF AwardsWe are Harry Potter Freaks. We will give you some awards if you can be the best on Harry Potter\’s World. Follow us
GringottsBankID Gringotts BankGringotts Wizarding Bank.
D_ArmyID Dumbledore’s ArmyWe are Dumbledore’s Army who training ourselves to facing the dark arts.
Lantai13 Lt.13 3/4Healer, Motivator, Trips Sukses, dari Ahli Jiwa Masyarakad Sihir dan Mahluk Sihir. ||Je Vous Ecoute!-Monsieur Dupont & Dupond||
magicalmenageri Magical Menageriefollow 2nd account of @EeylopsOWL,you can use your point in @EeylopsOWL,to buy magical animal here and consult the healtiness of your magical animal too !! ^^
DementorArmy Dementor ArmyWe infest the darkest, filthiest places,we glory in decay and despair, we drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around us.
FloreanIceCream florean fortescuesaya madam dee (keturunan pertama florean fortescue ^^) menjual berbagai mcm es krim..akan ada #FICQuiz yg akan berhadiah sickle utk membeli es krim ^^
2ndPWI Potter WatchSiaran Dunia Sihir di Twitter, Info soal dunia sihir di twitter, Menerima request dan follow back, account kedua dari @PotterWatchID ^^
WeeklyProphetID Weekly ProphetMembuat koran mingguan, dan meliput setiap aktivitas penting di dunia sihir. 12 galleon/bulan untuk berlangganan. Redaksi : Mr. Evan, Miss. Viona, Miss. Fira
StMungoIndo St Mungo’s IndonesiaSt. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
OllivandersID Ollivander’s Wand3 Steps Bisa mendapatkan Wand ! : -Ikuti Kuisnya -Kumpulkan poinnya -pilih tongkatnya Join wit us, seru loh ! -Ms Ollivander-
HarryPotterLand Harry Potter Fans
Games, parody, quizzes, role plays, any news from the oven you seek..very Potter is here, Follow Us! All HarryPotter stuff copyrights of JK Rowling & WB picture
WizardsTown Harry Potter Fans
Houseofhogwarts Hogwarts Houses
We’re freakin about Harry Potter! #DEvsOP#WTQuiz and many more yep, we tweeting that! @meercyyy@itsDhanty @hermawanDD @auudyjonas are the admin
IndoPotterMagic Harry Potter FansThe twitter account for Harry Potter Freaks! We do quizzes, facts, anything related to harry potter! Check it out! -Prof. Elm, Shane, Goyle, Rara, Ryan-
Hogwarts_Dorm Hogwarts SchoolHouseofhogwarts Hogwarts Houses
This is an account of Wizards and Witches. Follow us! Follow back? Just mention ^.~
TheMaraudersID The Marauders*I solemnly swear that I am up to no good* All Admins: Prongs,Padfoot,Moony,Wormtail and Snivellus *mischief managed*
KutipanHP Kutipan Harry PotterAll Harry Potter Quotes, names, and characters, places, all of them, belong to JK Rowling, Warner Bros company, and others
AboutHogwarts Hogwarts
This is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Tidak ada seleksi asrama disini.Kami hanya memberikan beberapa info,fakta tentang Hogwarts.
HPArea Harry Potter’s AreaAkun HPF Indonesia. Banyak kuis, permainan, berita, quotes, dan semuanya tentang Harry Potter. Berminat? Ayo gabung dan follow ya
ShellCottageID Shell CottageIt is located on the outskirts of Tinworth, Cornwall, beautiful place. ~Miss Molly ,Miss Luna,Miss Bella, Miss Fleur and Miss Ginny
DiariTomRiddle Tom Marvolo RiddleHello, my name is Tom Riddle. I can tell you anything… Let me take you through your imagination…
WisdomHarPott Harry Potterpelajaran moral dari petualangan Harry Potter . follow us . HPF
WeasleyTwinss Fred&George WeasleyKami ganteng, Kami keren, kami gila, dan kami rajin mengaji bersama guru kami Ustd. Snape Mention For Folbek -Zona Anti Stress-
Account Fanbase
DanRad_indo Dan Radcliffe Indo
This account is a Indonesia fanpage for Daniel Radcliffe. kami selalu menyediakan berita terbaru tentunya. So follow us!
RupertGrintIndo Rupert Grint IndoMade by Rupert fans in Indonesia | Love him ? Follow us | Admin @paw_khairunnisa and @nadzz233
EmmaWatsonIndo Emma Watson.A Twitter account where you can find pictures and daily information about this lovely British Actress, Emma Watson. Feel free to follow and retweet! x
bonzwright_indo Bonnie Wright Fanshello all This is Indonesia twitter group of fans Bonnie Kathleen Fransesca Wright/Ginny Weasley in the Harry Potter movies. please!join us! thank you
EvaLynch_Indo Evanna Lynch IndoFansite for who loves Evanna Lynch as Luna Lovegood Just click Follow and Promote us ^^
TomFeltonIndo Tom Felton IndonesiaGive you daily information, facts and new pictures of Tom Felton and also about the Harry Potter saga. For suggestions:
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